Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Primal Chow Cooked Rump Roast

Today was cleaning day! As in cleaning the chicken coop. As I mentioned in my other post, we decided to raise chickens. It was the best decision ever! It's a lot of work in the beginning. We bought 12 (a mix of Ameraucana, Reds and Leghorns), received 2 for free (Buff Silkies) and 3 (1 Buff Silkie, and the other two I have no idea what they are) were given to us by a friend. We lost one of the ones given to us by a friend. His name was Derby, a Buff Silkie. We found him headless in the yard. We also guessed we interrupted a hawk in the process of eating his dinner. Very gruesome, but that's nature! Our chickens were very upset we didn't leave poor Derby for them to eat. Yes! Chickens are cannibals. They eat their own. They eat anything. Well, they are considered omnivores, but the word cannibal got your attention. Right? Therefore when you see eggs with a label proudly stating "Our chickens are fed a vegetarian diet". Keep shopping! They are likely fed a very unhealthy diet of grains and soy, only.

Before dipping into the idea of raising chickens, I read everything I can get my hands on about the subject. One person at this site expressed it perfectly: "Raising chickens is more work than a cat, but less than a dog." Cleaning is my least favorite chore in raising chickens, but their leavings are a great and beneficial addition for our compost. Last fall, I was wondering how to heat the coop. I read in the same site that you can leave their leavings and it will heat their coop. I was doubtful and worried about the stench. Fall came and went. I went for it, and it's true! Not only did it heat the coop, but it also did not stink. As the nights grew colder, the coop stayed comfortably warm for the chickens. We are in January now, and unfortunately our winter has been mild. Temps hovering during the day around 50 or 55 F. No snow in sight either. Therefore decided to clean the coop today, and prepare it for spring. We might get a few cold snaps, but I doubt we will get more snow. I use sand for their coop. Why? It's easier to clean, and their feet stay very clean. It was a mess, but easy to clean.

Yes, it was caked to the floor!

It took me about 45 minutes to clean it. Also, because it did not have any straw, I can dump it in the compost and in no time it will mix well with everything else. Straw takes forever! 

Not bad!

Add new sand and as you can see the hens were very happy!

Using sand has it's benefits. You clean the coop as you would clean a kitty litter, and I did not see an infestation of mites. 

Because I had to clean the coop, I decided to use the crock pot for our dinner tonight. We had a rump roast out, and just added whatever was in hand. I used this recipe. PaleoOMG is amazing! Our house smells amazing, and I cannot wait to eat it. With a side of cauliflower rice and dinner is done! 

Thanks for reading!

Quote of the day:

"I am going to write a letter to George R.R. Martin, and ask him to also include a recipe book with all the meals mentioned in Song of Ice and Fire series. The food is PAF, besides the bread of course!"

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